
Escursione d’estate a Etna sud

15 Jun , 2020 Activities,Etna

Escursione d’estate a Etna sud

Ciao!Domenica 21 Giugno, primo giorno d’estate, ViVo Etna propone un’escursione sul versante meridionale dell’Etna.Una Guida Vulcanologica abilitata ci condurrà tra paesaggi lunari e la macchia d’alta quota fino al belvedere sulla Valle del Bove. L’itinerario offre numerose peculiarità di tipo vulcanologico, botanico e paesaggistico.L’escursione è rivolta ad escursionisti esperti (EE) ed è adatta anche ai […]

COVID-19. Suspension of excursions

15 Mar , 2020 Etna,Volcano update

COVID-19. Suspension of excursions

UPDATE May 29th, 2020 The excursions will start again on Monday 1st June. We look forward to meet you on the volcano! UPDATE May 18th, 2020 Despite most of the activities reopen today in Italy, the Guides are not allowed to work. We expect some new guidelines in the next few days. UPDATE May 3rd, 2020 […]

Vintage volcano maps

20 Mar , 2019 Curious facts,Etna,Volcano pills,Volcano science

Vintage volcano maps

In the 19th century the volcanology as proper science was not born yet. However, some among the naturalists were fascinated by those particular mountains and they can be regarded as pioneering volcanologists. Sir. Charles Daubeny, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Oxford, commissioned this map to show the comparison among several volcanoes in the […]

Volcanic gases

19 Mar , 2019 Etna,Volcano pills,Volcano science

Volcanic gases

It is well known that the volcanic gas is the main controlling factor during an eruption. It’s the gas that drives the magma from the deep to the shallower layers and then until the surface. It’s the gas ruling the style of the eruption, whether explosive or effusive. In summary the range of behaviours of […]

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